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What are the universities for esports majors?

Aug 07, 2022

The major universities in China that offer e-sports majors include Communication University of China, Shanghai Academy of Drama, Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, Sichuan Film and Television Academy, Communication University of China Nanguang College, Beijing Geely Institute, and Nanchang Institute of Technology, among which the undergraduate system is four years. , the three-year college system.

What are the universities for e-sports majors? 1. Communication University of China

Communication University of China is currently the first 211 university in China to offer e-sports majors, focusing more on cultivating talents in e-sports planning and management. 2. Nanguang College, Communication University of China

Communication University of China Nanguang College is currently the first school in China to offer a separate major in e-sports analysis, and also the first full-time undergraduate major in e-sports in China. 3. Shanghai Institute of Physical Education

Under the major of broadcasting and hosting arts, Shanghai Institute of Physical Education has set up the direction of e-sports commentary, which is similar to the recruitment method of art students, focusing on cultivating talents in e-sports commentary and event operation. 4. Tianjin Institute of Physical Education

Tianjin Institute of Physical Education is an e-sports major based on traditional sports. Only one class is enrolled in each session, with 20 students enrolled. 5. Sichuan Film and Television Academy

The e-sports major offered by Sichuan Film and Television Academy is called e-sports and management. Each batch recruits about 100 people. The college focuses on planning, anchors, data analysts, operations, broadcasters, coaches, and referees. Management talents such as referees. 6. Shanghai Theater Academy

Shanghai Theater Academy has hired many celebrities or former professional players in the e-sports industry to give lectures, and has independently established two majors: e-sports stage design and e-sports commentary. 7. Beijing Geely Institute

The major of Beijing Geely College is e-sports and management, and it focuses more on cultivating talents in professional players and e-sports operation and management. 8. Nanchang Institute of Technology

The eSports professional courses offered by Nanchang Institute of Technology mainly include game programming foundation, referee law and event planning, eSports professional courses, news writing, video editing, sports sociology, sports training management, sports psychology, computer network Fundamentals and event commentary, etc., focus on cultivating talents in game production, e-sports management, news broadcasting, etc.

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